A Special Lecture was organized by Iqra Bismi Rabbik Arabic Association was held in Commerce Gallery A/C, Jamal Mohamed College on 07th September, 2023 at 11.30 a.m.
The programme was presided over by Dr. S. Ismail Mohideen, Principal of the College. Dr. A.K. Khaja Nazeemudeen, Secretary and Correspondent & Hajee M.J. Jamal Mohamed, Treasurer gave the felicitation address. Dr. A. Mohamed Ismail, HoD of Arabic welcomed the gathering. Nearly 90 students from Department of Arabic participated in the lecture.
Resource person for the guest lecture was Hajee. S.M. Hidayathullah, President, SEED Trust, Chennai & Member, AICC. He delivered a special lecture on the topic ‘A brief view on Islamic perspective of Education and Economics’.
Hajee. S.M. Hidayathullah begun his lecture by explaining the importance of education for the development of Muslim community. He further explained the concept of Islamic economics and the importance of utilizing Baithul maal in effective way. He concluded his lecture by asserting the status of Zakath and its proper methods.
Mr. Peer Mohamed Ajas, Secretary of the Arabic association proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. A.M. Ali Ibrahim, Vice president of the Association organized the programme.
Outcomes of the Guest Lecture:
At the end of the program, the students were able to:
1. Recognize the importance of Education for the development of Muslim Community.
2. Analyze the active ways to utilize Baithul Maal in an effective manner.
3. Formulate the best methods to receive Zakath and use it for the betterment of the people.