Internal Compliance Committee

Internal Compliance Committee

To create a healthy and safe educational atmosphere it is crucial to build the campus free from any kind of discrimination. The Internal Compliance Committee of our college aims to eradicate any kind of sexual harassment and gender based discrimination and maintain a healthy environment. The primary objective is to uphold zero tolerance towards sexual harassment. Every complaint of the students, teaching and non-teaching staff members is addressed with care and attention. A systematic procedure is in place to resolve any such issue and also safeguard the privacy and rights of everyone.

To fulfill the directive of the Supreme Court, the UGC and the Bharathidasan University the following objectives are taken in consideration.


To frame guidelines and norms for policies against sexual harassment

To work out details for implementation of these policies

To implement principles and procedures to combat sexual harassment

To organize gender sensitization awareness programme

To address the cases of discrimination and sexual harassment issues in a time bound manner

To ensure support services to the victims

Sexual Harassment includes the Behaviors that directly and indirectly lead to the abuse of a person

Unwelcome touching

Eve Teasing


Suggestive comments or jokes

Intrusive questions about a person's life or body

Insults or taunts based on sex

Sexually explicit physical contacts

Touching or brushing against any part of the body

Sexually explicit emails, SMS or text messages or any kind of communications

The committee ensures that all the complaints relating to sexual harassment of the students, teaching staff and non-teaching staff are treated with dignity and respect and the victim’s confidentiality is strictly maintained.


S. No. Name Position Assigned in ICC and Designation
1 Ms. M. G. Thajunnisa Convener & Assistant Professor of English