Master Of Computer Applications
Govt. Aided- Duration : 3 Years
- Seats : 60
- Cut Off : 60%
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The College has introduced the Choice Based Credit System for MCA programme from the academic year 2004-2005 with a flexibility to revise the syllabi according to IT industry needs. The students not only learn the theoretical concept of various technical aspects but also apply these theories to real life situation.
The curriculum is spread over a period of three years (6 semesters) which includes papers like Technical, Programming, Management, Web applications and Mathematical Techniques. As a part of the curriculum, the students should undergo project training programme in the final semester for a period of four months.
The Continuous Internal Assessment carries a maximum of 25 marks per paper
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the College collects feedbacks from the students at the end of each semester and necessary remedial measures are taken.
All correspondence should be addressed to
The Principal
Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous)
Tiruchirappalli - 620 020
Telephone :(0431) 2331135
Mobile : 9894731035
E-mail :
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